星期五, 二月 24, 2006

Return of the King

Yep, i'm back. From WoW. I will still play WoW and other games, but not as much as i did before. Kinda pathetic since i finally find a guild that can devote to. Quitting is not sad, its the guild itself that makes me sad. After all, I'm too idealistic. A simple note of the games I want to play: Neverwinter Night 1/2, 战国无双2, Sango 11, HMM5...... \sigh, its such a burden and i really need a job of playing :( Ok, something not purely about playing: googol rules! The G reader is great and I'm ready to get rid of the clumsy rss reader; G desktop looks cool as well as its addons. In addition, quite a few googleblog is worth tracking. Read more, learn more. Google Video? Google research Blog? Google Zeitgeist? Btw, Greader is far away from perfect in terms of functionality. But I would like to bookmark it and keep my eyes close to it. Finally, lets talk about study. Writing report is the primary task atm. Keep the test program running and finish the background part asap. We don't have much time left which means I have to work during the weekend. However, the downside of this is: at home, you can never have the same efficiency as playing :P I do want to look deep into CP or MRFT so that the reading list never gets shorter! Time, time, time, have to admit that its the most precious resource in the world unless you are immortal. You want to study and move forward without giving up something? No way. If you dont give up playing, then give up sleeping aka. your health. Please, prove me that 5 hours sleeping is sufficient for a human-being. I want to share this blog with xinxin. But i know she dont like making privacy public, neither do i. So i switched off the open comments and lets pretend there is no one else watching this page.

