星期一, 一月 17, 2005


每天看看BBC的新闻要作为任务来完成。这其中的好处自是不必说呀,如果方便的话,也该多听听。 英文是一个很大的问题,怎么提高哩?除了和别人说话以外??我现在最想提高的,是听啊。need to discuss with xinxin later. Maybe i should write my blog in En? Today's news: Zhao Ziyang died. Unavoidable, the 6.4 Tiananmen protest was mentioned again. There are many interviews, reports ... seem true. But i still can't believe it. If the announcement of the government is not reliable, why should i trust the reports of foreign media? If the news on the TV is not ture, who can guarantee the individuals are talking about truth?
